ESG & Industry Updates

Executive Orders - Energy Policies Impacted

Industry Issues in Limbo  - What to Watch in 2025

CARB's Advanced Clean Truck Rule is Live in Massachusetts

MA Emissions Reporting Starts Jan 1 - Are You Ready?

Deja Vu: MA Passes Landmark Climate Change Bill

IRA Act & Energy Credit Clarification Waiting on Election Cycle

Renewable Diesel: A Sustainable Solution

Cities & States Fuel Renewable Diesel Growth

EPA Cites VT on Clean Water Act NonCompliance

The Clean Fuel Production Credit

Biodiesel Blender Tax Credit Expiration Looms

AI Tech Hits the Road

MA Bill seeks to ban Competitive Electric Suppliers

New Nuclear Reactors Come Online in US

Solid-State Battery Breakthroughs

Infrastructure Bill EV Charging Stations Slow to Start

IMO Part Deux: International Maritime Emissions in Focus in Brussels

Vineyard Wind Power hits the Grid

COP28: Takeaways from Dubai

Transportation DeCarbonization Blueprint: Pipelines

Tank Monitoring Takes the Headache out of Fuel Management

MA Offshore Wind Scales Up

Transportation DeCarbonization: Aviation Policy & Regulations

First Utility Scale Geothermal Network Launches Right Here in MA

Transportation DeCarbonization: Maritime Vessels

Solar & Wind Production Ramps up Over 2022

Transportation DeCarbonization: Rail Transport

Transportation Decarbonization: Off-Road Vehicles and Mobile Equipment

Transportation Decarbonization: Medium & Heavy Duty Vehicles

Transportation DeCarbonization Blueprint: Light Duty Vehicles

Biden Admin Releases US Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization

California Hydrogen Blending Study Shows Potential Obstacles

Banned In Boston? City Seeks to Stop New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure

Inflation Reduction Act - Relevant Industry Item Snapshot

Solid State Batteries Could Change the EV Game

Boston Based "Farm to Grid" Renewable Energy Pioneer Acquired

National Grid to Pivot NY to Renewable Nat Gas, Green Hydrogen Power

Renewable Advocates Target ISO New England over Natural Gas Preference

Offshore Wind Breathes New Life into Old Coal Facility in MA

Oh Truck No! Three Northeast States Adopt Zero Emission Vehicle Rules

Addressing Western Water Shortages

Preserving Forests is Critical to Slowing Carbon Change

Slimmed Down Biden Infrastructure Bill Clears House

Everything Old is New Again - Methane Regulations on the Agenda

How Realistic a Goal are Fully Autonomous Trucks?

Bitcoin Miners seek 'Greener' Pastures in the US

Infrastructure & Jobs Bill clears Senate, faces Hurdles in the House

All Eyes on the Growing Driver Shortage

Biden's Offshore Wind Plan Bolsters NE Clean Energy Goals

Maine Stalls on Path to First Statewide Consumer Owned Utility

The New Recovery Proposal: Infrastructure, Transportation & Climate Change, Oh My

MA Passes Landmark Climate Change & Environmental Justice Bill

Maine Based AeroSpace Company breaks Bio Barriers at -14 & Zero G

Maine Central Power Clears Regulatory Hurdle, Stalls on Legal Challenge

New Administration, New Focus - Executive Orders & Industry Impacts

MA refiles Vetoed Climate Change Bill, This Time with Potential Veto Proof Margin

Climate Change Controversy Heats Up on Wood Pellets

Debates Raise Net-Zero & Climate Action Questions  - Here's what the Industry has been doing in the Northeast

Ferry Cool Changes on the Water in Maine

TCI Talks Move Forward

FERC Dismisses NERA  Petition on Net Metering

Net Metering Under Threat

Mass Dairy Farmers Use Foodwaste & Manure to Generate Renewable Energy

What's the TCI & how does it work?

Too Late for Canaries: Coal Companies File for Bankruptcy Protection

Massachusetts Mulls Geothermal MicroDistricts to Offset Emissions

Commonwealth Awards 14.9 Million in Green Communities Grants

Maine is Making Crude from Waste Wood (and it's Kind of a Big Deal!)

Carbon Capture & Store - New Approaches to Climate Change

Massachusetts Retires Last Nuclear Power Plant

Holyoke's Mt Tom Site is a Blueprint for Success with Renewable Energy

IMO 2020 Raises Questions on Market, Supply Impacts

NTSB Releases Most Wanted Improvements for 2019

China Leads the Charge on EV Market Growth

Storm Intensity enhances focus on Grid Resilience

Massachusetts Pushes Clean Energy forward in 2018

New England Energy Grid Faces More Challenges

Year Round E15 & RFS Waivers on the Energy Agenda

Are Self Driving Trucks a Solution to Driver Shortages?

Preparedness is Mission Critical

EPA Finalizes 2018 RFS Volume,Declines Obligated Party Change Proposal

Tesla Model 3 Deliveries Deliver on Promised Features

Air Conditioning Goes Global - but Environmental Cost Could Be High

Turning CO2 & Sunshine into Fuel: The Bionic Leaf

Clean Power Plan Rollback - Serious Issue or Symbolism?

Need a Fill Up? There's an App for That

The Struggle is Real for Regulating Autonomous Vehicle Safety

Uber's Otto Delivers on Driverless Big Rig Technology

Sterling MA Launches Utility Scale Battery Project

Control Costs By Embracing Technology

MIT: The Ozone is Healing, Thanks to CFC Ban

EPA's 2017 RFS Volume Proposal Draws Familiar Concerns

Solar Power - New Developments Off Of the Rooftop

Tesla's Model 3 Debut Stuns Industry

Battery Tech Advances Could Change U.S. Energy Storage Outlook

Renewables in 2015 & 2016

New England States & Climate Change Preparedness

RFS Volumes Finally Finalized

Senate Strikes Down Clean Power Provisions Ahead Climate Change Summit

Ahead of the Climate Change Summit, Here's Where We Are on Regulations

Obama Administration Officially Rejects Keystone XL

TransCanada/White House Standoff Begins Ahead of Climate Change Summit

BREAKING: House Passes Bill to Lift Crude Oil Export Ban

Better Data Drives Better Results on Fuel Inventory Management

EPA Spill Highlights Difficulty of Mine Decontamination

Obama, EPA Announce First-Ever Federal Limits on Power Plant Emissions

Obama Admin,EPA to Propose New Fuel Standards for Trucks Today

ASTM Spec for Higher Bio Blends Moves Heat Towards Lower Carbon Future

RFS Battles Continue on Ethanol and E15

Infrastructure on the Agenda

Harvard finds Boston is Leaking $90 Million of Natural Gas Annually

Looking Back and Looking Forward - Energy in 2014 & 2015

How Will the EPA Address the RFS for 2014 & 2015?

AltWheels - Past, Present and Future

Keystone XL Hits the Senate Floor

Midterms 2014: What Will the Energy Agenda Look Like Now?

Breaking: WH threatens Sanctions on ISIS Oil Purchasers

Social Media for Business, Should You Embrace it Even If You Hate It?

Pipeline Stubbornness - Canada's "Work Around" & US Environmental Harm

EIA Projects Lower Bills for Home Heating Oil and Propane Customers

Breaking: Rate Hikes Approved. Hold On to Your Wallets - or Hold Your Nose for Pipeline Approvals

US Carbon Emissions Still on the Decline - Guess Why?

By The Numbers - How Would the Proposed "Oil Barrel Tax" Impact You?

Progress on Keystone XL? ....Don't Get Your Hopes Up

Methane & Consumers Giving Nat Gas Headaches

How is Switching to Nat Gas Hurting the Environment?

Breaking : White House Announces Methane Regulations on Fracking

Energy Security, Not Independence, Should Be The Goal

Emergency Preparedness for Hospitals Post Sandy

Energy Issues Top the Political Agenda for 2014

Is Ethanol Even Green?

Environmentalists & Oil Exec's Unite on RFS Volume Reduction

Would CRUDE Exporting Increase Your Pain at the Pump? Not Necessarily

Tier 3 Gasoline Standard Ruling to be released by February

Is it Time to Overturn the US Crude Export Ban?

How Effective is Your Safety Program?

Solving for the Customer with Remote Wireless Fuel Tank Monitoring

Energy in the News - Are Utility Rate Reductions Really A Positive?

Mayflower Arkansas Highlights Keystone XL Environmental Concerns

Hedging Risks Outside of the Finance Department Pays Big Dividends

Is Propane Autogas the Alternative Fuel of the Future?

RIN Price Spikes sustaining the "Pain at the Pump" for Gasoline

Gov't Picking Winners & Losers on Energy? - Deja Vu All Over Again

The Revival of the Biodiesel Blender'sTax Credit - Pro or Con?

Winter Fuel & Additives, keep working through the snow!

Dennis K Burke Answers the Call on Hurricane Sandy

API Sues EPA on Cellulosic Ethanol portion of 2011 RFS

Cellulosic Ethanol Production: Benefits, Progress, and Challenges

Safety and Regulatory Compliance - a Culture, not a Program

O&E- Refinery Closures bring Higher Prices and Local Shortages

RIN Fraud - What does it mean for Biodiesel Producers?

Whats the likely future for E85 with the expiration of VEEP?

Technology Offers Fuel Dealers a Competitive Edge

Dennis K Burke's EV Charger Station debuts this Friday

BioHeat Workshop Buzz

Creating new Off Road Opportunities with Biodiesel

Déjà vu all over again

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