As we round into 2025, and the election day preceding it, we thought it would be helpful to highlight energy related tax, credit, and funding items that either have an expiration looming December 31, 2024, are slated to kick on January 1, 2025... OR that have their passage or continuation hanging in the balance depending on how the election goes. If you're in Massachusetts, there are a host of additional items on the horizon, by the way, the following are Federal Level items:
ESG & Industry Updates
IRA Act & Energy Credit Clarification Waiting on Election Cycle
Posted by Kelly Burke on Nov 4, 2024 4:15:00 AM
Topics: Biodiesel Tax Credit, Biodiesel, Carbon Emissions, Trump Administration, Biden Administration, Inflation Reduction Act, Carbon Capture, Clean Fuel Production Credit, renewable diesel
The Clean Fuel Production Credit is part of the Inflation Reduction Act passed in 2022. The Act includes substantial provisions for climate initiatives including the aforementioned credit, and multiple provisions regarding EV incentivization.
Topics: Biodiesel Tax Credit, Biodiesel, Climate Change, Carbon Emissions, renewable energy, Inflation Reduction Act, Clean Fuel Production Credit
The Biodiesel Blender Tax Credit is set to expire at the end of 2024, at which point it will be replaced by the Clean Fuel Production Credit. The Clean Fuel Production credit (somewhat obviously) accrues credit to producers of clean transportation fuels produced at approved facilities for approved uses and does NOT carry through to blenders of clean transportation fuels like biodiesel and renewable diesel.
Topics: Biodiesel Tax Credit, Biodiesel, Carbon Emissions, renewable energy, Clean Fuel Production Credit
2015 was a banner year for Renewables. The EPA finally finalized RFS volumes for 2014-2016 in November. In December, Congress passed the tax extenders package which included both the $1 per gallon biodiesel blender credit and cellulosic blending credit of $1.01 per gallon, retroactively.
Topics: Biodiesel, EPA, renewable energy
ASTM Spec for Higher Bio Blends Moves Heat Towards Lower Carbon Future
Posted by Ed Burke on May 26, 2015 1:48:24 PM
ASTM International released its new spec for 6-20% bio blended heating oil (BioHeat) this past March. The prior spec only covered blends of up to 5% - like those you can pull from many racks now.
Topics: Oil & Energy Magazine, Bioheat, Biodiesel, astm
In November the EPA announed it would not be able to finalize on the RFS volumes for biofuels until 2015. The 2014 and 2015 volumes will be set soon,, in theory. But there has been a lot of stress out there in the industry over the fact that the delay will essentially mean refiners and producers need to be retroactively compliant with the volumes the EPA sets.
The biofuels industry is pushing for an increase in biofuel requirements, to 18.15 billion gallons. This is probably not happening, but the uncertainty overall has had a serious impact on bio producers, many of whom have scaled operations way back over 2014 as compared to 2013.
Topics: Biodiesel, EPA Mandate, EPA, RFS
The most recent AltWheels Fleet Day in Norwood was once again a great success. We've been part of AltWheels from the beginning, back when biodiesel was a niche product and who had ever even heard of ethanol gasoline?
Topics: natural gas, Biodiesel, Ethanol, environment, altwheels, electric vehicles
I wrote an article in March's issue of Oil & Energy Magazine adressing the issue of RIN Fraud and the impact the EPA crackdown on the fraud is having in the biodiesel world.
Topics: Oil & Energy Magazine, Biodiesel, RINs
The industry buzz at the Northeast Bioheat Workshop this year in Pittsburg centered on the aggressive advertising campaign by the Natural Gas industry that promotes its product as the lower cost, domestically produced and more environmentally friendly solution to conventional oil heat.
Topics: natural gas, MOC, massachusetts biodiesel mandate, Bioheat, NORA, Biodiesel
This month's issue of Biodiesel Magazine features an article from yours truly regarding Bioheat and Off-Road Bio usage from water taxis to municipal heating. Pretty interesting the way Biodiesel has gained strength in areas one wouldnt normally associate with it, especially in the off road arena.
Topics: massachusetts biodiesel mandate, Waste Feedstock Biodiesel, Biodiesel
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