ESG & Industry Updates

Transportation DeCarbonization: Rail Transport

Posted by Kelly Burke on Apr 3, 2023 10:50:32 AM


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Topics: EPA, Carbon Emissions, railcar regulations, renewable energy, Biden Administration, decarbonization

Transportation Decarbonization: Off-Road Vehicles and Mobile Equipment

Posted by Kelly Burke on Feb 6, 2023 12:48:53 PM

As we have been discussing, the US National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization breaks the Transportation sector into seven categories, each of which has its own targets for emission reduction/elimination, and strategies for how those declines in emissions will be achieved. The next category addressed in the Blueprint by emissions % is Off-Road Vehicles and Mobile Equipment.

The Off-Road Vehicles and Mobil Equipment segment includes a LOT, from heavy mine drilling equipment and excavators to dirt bikes and lawn mowers. The off-road segment is accountable for approximately 10% of emissions, but where 79% of the segment uses diesel, the changes that would be applicable to the medium and heavy duty (on road) sector would carry over fairly cleanly to the off-road sector, which is why they make sense to address in tandem. We saw a similar approach to this with the transition to ultra low sulfur diesel – the initial priority was on road vehicles, as they are more uniform in fuel technology requirements and also contribute more on emissions. Once the tech is there for on-road, its fairly simple to adopt it down into the off-road sector for diesel fueled equipment.

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Topics: EPA, Carbon Emissions, Biden Administration, decarbonization

Transportation Decarbonization: Medium & Heavy Duty Vehicles

Posted by Kelly Burke on Jan 30, 2023 1:07:12 PM

As we have been discussing, the US National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization breaks the Transportation sector into seven categories, each of which has its own targets for emission reduction/elimination, and strategies for how those declines in emissions will be achieved. The second segment by emission % is Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles.

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Topics: EPA, Carbon Emissions, Emissions, Biden Administration, paris accord, decarbonization

Transportation DeCarbonization Blueprint: Light Duty Vehicles

Posted by Kelly Burke on Jan 20, 2023 10:41:32 AM

The US National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization splits the Transportation sector into seven categories of focus: Light-Duty Vehicles, Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles, Off-Road, Rail, Maritime, Aviation, and Pipelines. We will discuss the major items involved in each of these, from largest % of carbon share to least, starting with Light Duty Vehicles.

Light-Duty Vehicles produce 49% of current transportation emissions (of note, for the purposes of the Blueprint “current” refers to 2019 levels due to the pandemic and related shutdowns making 2020 & 2021 data unreliable/useless).

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Topics: EV Charger, EPA, Carbon Emissions, Emissions, Biden Administration, ev, DOT, decarbonization

Biden Admin Releases US Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization

Posted by Kelly Burke on Jan 13, 2023 8:09:33 AM

January 10th, 2023 the Biden Administration released the US National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization.

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Topics: EPA, Climate Change, Carbon Emissions, DOT, decarbonization

California Hydrogen Blending Study Shows Potential Obstacles

Posted by Kelly Burke on Jan 9, 2023 10:23:14 AM

Another avenue being looked into for decarbonization in the US is hydrogen blending. Hydrogen blending would use existing natural gas infrastructure for transport, which obviously makes it very appealing from an infrastructure & logistics standpoint as the majority would already be in place.

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Topics: renewable energy, hydrogen, decarbonization

Banned In Boston? City Seeks to Stop New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure

Posted by Kelly Burke on Oct 4, 2022 1:23:09 PM

In August of this year, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed into law House Bill 5060 “An Act Driving Clean Energy and Offshore Wind” into law

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Topics: Mass DOER, Massachusetts, Climate Change, Carbon Emissions, boston

Inflation Reduction Act - Relevant Industry Item Snapshot

Posted by Kelly Burke on Aug 22, 2022 12:43:46 PM


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Topics: Carbon Emissions, Biden Administration, environmental justice, inflation, ev, Inflation Reduction Act, Carbon Capture

Solid State Batteries Could Change the EV Game

Posted by Kelly Burke on Aug 3, 2022 2:01:43 PM

We're all familiar with both the rise of electric vehicles, and the lingering concerns some have regarding their adoption - namely, driving range, time to recharge, and battery lifetime limits. It's long been assumed that solid state batteries could be the key to solving all of these issues at once, while simultaneously enhancing safety but until recently it looked like it would be quite some time before the technology got to a point where it was scalable and practical. We may have reached that point sooner than expected, however. 

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Topics: Climate Change, electric vehicles, battery, ev, solid state battery

Boston Based "Farm to Grid" Renewable Energy Pioneer Acquired

Posted by Kelly Burke on Jul 21, 2022 8:45:00 AM

Boston based Vanguard Renewables, a pioneer in the food & dairy industry waste-to-energy space has been acquired by BlackRock for $700 million dollars, with a plan to invest up to an additional billion dollars in the company’s expansion, according to the Wall Street Journal this morning. The expansion plan reportedly focuses on commissioning up to 100 anaerobic digesters for renewable natural gas production across the United States by 2026.

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Topics: Massachusetts, methane, Carbon Emissions, renewable energy, renewable natural gas

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