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Inventory Draws
Surprise CRUDE Inventory Drops Catch Analysts Off Guard - but NYMEX Holds on to Week's Losses
Distillate Inventories Carry Futures Higher
Last night API's set the early tone for todays rice action as preliminary numbers showed large draws in distillates. Those numbers were confirmed this morning with the EIA releasing a staggering 4.8mbl draw in distillates vs expectations of a mere 700k. Gasoline was down slightly at 345k and Crude showed a slight build at 375k bls. On the surface it appears distillate demand is on the rise, not only in the US, but also from an export position. Soon after the data released, pits jumped almost .04, and stayed in that range for most of the afternoon. Supporting the bullish price action was FED meeting minutes which appear to confirm last weeks chatter that we will start to see some significant unwinding of the Bond buying program in the months to come, as well as a positive retail report for October. The hope is that a positive October doesn't turn into a lackluster November and December which is often the case in the retail world. News hit mid afternoon of US-Iranian talks ended almost as quickly as it started, one report said the talks lasted less than 10 minutes with few words spoken. Even with the draw in distillates, the market appears to be well supplied as Crude actual lost .01 to close out at $93.33, RBOB added .0235 to $2.6630 and HO led the gainers settling up .0487 to $2.9545. Again, well within its comfort zone.
Flat Demand and Gasoline draw push NYMEX
NYMEX rebounds with Bullish Inventories
DOE’s push NYMEX lower
With much of the Industry expecting large draws in Crude and distillates due to year end and a relatively cold week across the nation, the surprise build in distillates...
Futures slip in light volume
Today’s NYMEX action could be characterized as being at a 4-way stop sign with every car staring at the other to see who is going to move first, and nobody moves. What...
Storm fear fades, prompting sell off: Crude tumbles
As quick as we saw the jump on Friday, we had thought that it was storm fear buying. And today brought vindication of those thoughts as I woke to a market down over 5...