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FED rates

World Tensions & Workforce Worries

With the inventory report delayed due the Monday holiday, we were able to enjoy the recent correction in pricing for another day.  We are about $.11 cheaper today than a week ago and $.25 lower than two weeks ago, basically back to where we started at the beginning of the month.  Interesting to note that we are right around the same spot as we were a year ago this time.   It is almost as if the market has priced in the ongoing world tension and once again is looking at more fundamental sources of influence.  The last week was like the most aggressive in terms of shipping attacks, retaliation, and a war of words, yet futures overall are lower.   Additionally, we are coming up on the two year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine with little or no end in sight.   Traders instead are focused on FED rates and demand figures that still appear to be bearish in nature.

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Why the Surprise Down Day? The Devil is in the Details

At first glance of yesterday's inventory report you would assume that a solid up day was in the making.  As has been the case, the devil is in the details.  While all products showed modest drops, they were largely offset with massive exports, known refinery maintenance and switching to winter grade gas.  The largest market mover was the FED maintaining rates but signaling they expect possibly 2 more rate hikes in the coming months.  A large sell-off took hold pushing diesel futures down almost $.10 before settling down just under $.05.  The profit taking ideology is that if rates get higher, it dampens economic growth thus curbing overall fuel demand, add in that it makes it more expensive for foreign currency buyers of products. 

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Markets Shrug off Coup Attempt & Get Back to Fundamentals

Fuel markets appeared to have shrugged off what could have been a historic week, should an actual Coup attempt in Russia transpired.  The current market mood appears to be focused more on actual supply and demand factors.  Crude inventories showed a massive 9m barrel loss this week while finished gas and diesel were relatively flat.  Gasoline futures soared yesterday taking ULSD  along for the ride, although not as much. 

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