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Differences in the RV Antifreeze Market & Stocking Up for Winter

Here at Dennis K. Burke Inc. we strive to only sell the best products to our customers. There has been a lot of confusion in the marketplace with RV Antifreeze and manufacturers have intentionally blurred the lines by labeling very different products all as “-50 RV Antifreeze”. This issue became much more prevalent around the beginning of the pandemic as propylene glycol became scarce and prices soared.

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Ethylene Glycol Demand Driving up Antifreeze Costs - Again

Antifreeze prices will be going up for all major suppliers this Spring due to the rising price of Ethylene Glycol. Ethylene Glycol is the main componant of automotive antifreeze - but it is also used in the manufacture of plastics and resins, including plastic soda bottles and it is also used in some medical applications. The increase in demand, especially for manufactured plastics as a result of economic expansion in countries like China has made global prices continue to climb.

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