Fluid Management: Hydraulic Oils - Doug's Tip of the Month
Fluid Management – Hydraulic Oils
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Fluid Management – Hydraulic Oils
Here at Dennis K. Burke Inc. we strive to only sell the best products to our customers. There has been a lot of confusion in the marketplace with RV Antifreeze and manufacturers have intentionally blurred the lines by labeling very different products all as “-50 RV Antifreeze”. This issue became much more prevalent around the beginning of the pandemic as propylene glycol became scarce and prices soared.
Since December of 2020, we have seen an unprecedented SIX price increases roll out on base oil, additive & finished lubricant products. Now we are additionally seeing essentially all major suppliers move to allocations on products because of increasing difficulty on supply/sourcing.
AFS AWDA Cold Flow Additive is now in stock for the winter months. This additive helps reduce diesel fuel pour point and CFPP 8-12 degrees below the fuel's non additized temperature rating.
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