Lubricants News: Don't Let the Cold Slow You Down
Don't let the cold slow you down
We all know that icing is one of the major causes of cold temperature fuel-related problems. As it gets colder, ice crystals begin to form in diesel fuel that contains about 500 ppm of water. In cold weather, diesel fuel is also prone to gelling, the solidification of diesel fuel into a partially crystalline state. These solidified waxes thicken the fuel, and then clog the fuel filters, causing the engine to stop running.
A highly concentrated multifunctional winter diesel additive for individual vehicle treatment.
Contains wax crystal modifier and deicer to help prevent gelling and icing in ULSD and biodiesel blends up to 5%.
* Multifunctional detergent to keep injectors clean
* Lubricity improver, corrosion inhibitor, stabilizer and cetane improver to help improve cold starts
* Reduces Cold Filter Plug Point (CFPP)
* Reduces Pour Point
* Highly concentrated for easy storage and handling
* One quart treats 250 gallons
* 12-1 qt. bottles per case
D-Thaw gets gelled fuel moving again. Reliquifies gelled diesel fuel and de-ices frozen fuel filters - the two most common causes for winter fuel problems. The most effective product to reliquify gelled diesel fuel and de-ice frozen filters.
* Non-alcohol formula
* Add directly to frozen fuel filter to melt ice and wax
* Will absorb 1/3 cup of water for every quart of D-Thaw
* One quart treats 50 gallons of fuel in a "gelled-up" emergency
* Resolves any gelling diesel fuel in tanks during the cold winter months
Dennis K. Burke offers a full line of ValvTect Diesel Guard products.
Dennis K. Burke offers both clear and dyed kerosene in 5 gallon pails and 55 gallon drums. Every 10% of kerosene blended with diesel fuel lowers the cloud point about three degrees.
We carry clear kerosene for winter blending in on-road vehicles, dyed kerosene (non-taxable) for winter blending in off-road vehicles, as well as heaters requiring a K-1 Kerosene.
You can also purchase dyed kerosene at the pump from our gas station located at 410 Beacham Street in Chelsea, or, if you have a jobsite or location running kero we can deliver in for you.