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Tank Monitoring: Ensuring Safety and Efficiency

Our Dennis K. Burke Inc. dispatch team operates seamlessly through the integration of our advanced tank monitoring program, ensuring precise communication with our dedicated truck drivers. This technology enables real-time tracking of tank levels, guaranteeing that our drivers are equipped with the correct quantities of fuel and lubricants required. Once on a customer's site, our drivers must employ a secondary method to confirm that the correct product will fit the specific requirements. This includes utilizing tools like gauges and listening for characteristic whistles, ensuring an extra layer of accuracy and reliability. This dual-approach strategy not only exemplifies our commitment to precision but also underscores our dedication to meeting and exceeding customer expectations at every step of the process. Tank monitoring is a cornerstone of responsible and efficient operations across various industries. By providing real-time data and enabling early defect detection, it ensures both safety and sustainability.

  1. Preventing Overfills and Spills
    One of the primary benefits of tank monitoring is its ability to prevent overfills. Overfilled tanks can lead to spills, which not only result in environmental harm but can also pose serious safety risks. Tank monitoring systems use sensors and technology to provide real-time data, allowing for precise control of filling levels and preventing accidents.
  1. Minimizing Environmental Impact
    Environmental responsibility is a paramount concern across industries. Tank monitoring ensures that storage facilities operate within their designated capacities, reducing the likelihood of leaks, spills, and contamination of soil or water bodies.
  1. Enhancing Operational Efficiency
    Efficient resource management is key to any successful operation. With tank monitoring, businesses can optimize their inventory levels, minimizing unnecessary refills and associated costs. Additionally, it enables timely scheduling of maintenance, ensuring that tanks are in good condition and preventing unexpected downtime.
  1. Early Detection of Leaks and Defects
    Regular monitoring allows for the early detection of leaks or defects in tanks. Whether caused by corrosion or faulty equipment, identifying problems promptly can prevent costly repairs, safeguarding both the environment and personnel.
  1. Improved Inventory Management
    Efficient inventory management is crucial for businesses dependent on stored materials. Tank monitoring systems provide accurate, real-time data on inventory levels, enabling timely reordering and avoiding shortages or excess stock. This, in turn, leads to streamlined logistics and cost savings.
  1. Compliance with Regulatory Standards
    Many industries are subject to strict regulatory standards governing the storage and handling of materials. Tank monitoring helps ensure compliance with these regulations, providing documentation of tank levels, leak detection, and maintenance schedules.
  1. Enhancing Worker Safety
    Tank monitoring minimizes the need for manual inspections, which can be hazardous for workers. By utilizing automated monitoring systems, employees are exposed to fewer risks associated with climbing tanks or working in potentially hazardous environments.
  2. Real-time Data and Remote Monitoring
    Modern tank monitoring systems provide real-time data accessible from virtually anywhere. This remote monitoring capability allows for prompt decision-making and intervention, even when staff are not on-site.

Embracing tank monitoring not only safeguards the environment and personnel but also contributes to a more cost-effective and sustainable operation. It's a proactive investment in the safety, efficiency, and reputation of any business reliant on tank storage systems!

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Ensuring Storage Tanks are Safe for Delivery

At Dennis K. Burke, Inc., we aim to provide our customers with the products they need, in as safe and efficient a manner as possible. This article will review a few things our customers can do to ensure they continue receiving the products they need to keep their own businesses operating smoothly.

Successfully delivering product into customers’ tanks without spilling is obviously a top priority! Our delivery drivers need to be 100% sure all the product they’re bringing can fit into the intended tank every time. We follow the industry standard of not filling tanks beyond 90% of their capacity, so ensuring tank gauges and monitors are working properly is essential. Additionally, emergency shutoffs, alarms and valves need to be working properly too. If tanks are equipped with a clock gauge, or another device that provides the level of product inside the tank, providing a tank chart specific to that tank is extremely helpful. If possible, leaving a laminated copy of a chart, specific to your tank, somewhere near the fill, would be greatly appreciated by our drivers as well as the Safety Department.  

Ensuring tanks are properly labeled for the product they contain is also very important. Many above ground storage tanks look very similar to one another, and because underground storage tanks are buried, only their fills are visible. For these reasons, having tanks and fills clearly and properly labeled helps to make sure the correct product is delivered to the intended tank. Over time, labels, decals and paint colors identifying the product inside the tanks can become faded or worn. This time of year, after the snow and ice has melted, and mother nature’s springtime colors we’ve all been yearning for over the cold New England winter start to pop again, is a great time to revitalize tank labels and make sure they are clearly marked, identifying the product contained inside.

Finally, just like in winter, when we ask that snow and ice be shoveled or cleared to provide safe access, the same is true in the warmer months.   Our drivers make numerous deliveries each and every day. Providing them with safe access to the tanks is an essential part of keeping them healthy, injury free, and able to make deliveries safely without making critical mistakes. Ensuring our drivers return home safe at the end of each workday is very important to us, and we appreciate any effort and support our customers can provide to help make sure that happens.

Stay safe!


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