Spill Buckets help ensure Safe Deliveries

Spill buckets are liquid-tight containers that surround both underground and above ground fill pipes. They have an important function which is to contain any small leaks, drips, and spills from the delivery hose that may occur during the fuel delivery process. Small drips that occur from a driver disconnecting a hose are common. A leaky hose connection that can produce a more significant release is less common, but the spill bucket is the last line of defense to help contain these types of releases. This is why it is important for customers and delivery drivers to work as a team to ensure spill buckets remain clean, dry, and empty.
Water and/or fuel sitting in spill buckets will damage the buckets over time, causing them to rust or rot out. If the cover to the spill bucket is damaged and not doing its job to prevent water from entering the containment area, it is important to have it replaced. On occasion, the rubber gaskets inside the spill bucket covers become worn and need to be replaced as well.
In colder months, this water can freeze preventing delivery drivers from being able to properly connect to the fill pipes. In the warmer months, the water can enter the tank via the fill pipe which can compromise the integrity of the product stored in the tank. For this reason, it is especially important to always inspect spill buckets after significant rainstorms.
Spill buckets have relatively short lives which are often less than 10 years. If you must replace a spill bucket it might be a good idea to consider installing a double-walled version as the inner bucket can be replaced without breaking any concrete. You can also easily tell if the spill bucket is leaking by checking the space between the two walls of the spill bucket. This type of spill bucket will cost a little more but will save you a lot of money down the road.