Dennis K. Burke, Inc. Market Updates

Springfield MA to Lose 100+ Jobs Over Service Interruptions

Written by Mark Pszeniczny | Jul 26, 2013 1:22:00 PM

An Ounce of Prevention is Better than a Pound of Cure!!

According to, a Springfield MA based call center is closing due to the potential service interruptions the company has incurred and  forsees based on the extreme weather Western Mass has been hit with in the past few years. This closure will cost over 100 people their jobs in the Springfield area. According to their CFO, the assurance of 24/7/365 service they provide to their customers prompted the companies decision to move to a less disruptive area. (In this case, Chicago).

Service interruption is a primary concern, especially with the ever increasing data storage requirements and 24-7 nature of many industries today. Whether you run a  hospital emergency room, a  research and development lab or simply run servers to back up your financial data -  the fact is, you can NOT afford to lose your power and lose your data.

So what can you do about it?

An Emergency Generator. But how do you ensure your generator is ready to handle whatever nature throws your way?  You contract with a reputable fuel supplier who will guarantee that you are fueled and ready at all times. That’s where we come in.

Dennis K Burke’s Emergency Generator Program is the best way to guarantee that you’re ready. We guarantee delivery time windows along with a quarterly maintenance check-up that provides your fuel quality additives to keep your tank ready to go.

For more information on our Generator Program – you can click here:, or speak to one of our experts at 617-884-7800 or by email at